Thursday, June 7, 2012

Art Movement - Expressionism Art

Expressionism Art

History of Expressionism Art

Originating in Germany, Expressionism encompasses all art in which the artist is free to move beyond the limitations of objective subject matter and to concentrate on the feeling and impact derived from the artist’s inspiration. Expressionist sought to reveal inner, spiritual and emotional foundations of human existence, rather than the external, surface appearances depicted by the Impressionists. The Expressionist movement took inspiration from Symbolism, Fauvism, and Cubism in its departure from accurate subject matter. Expressionism found its roots in two groups of German painters, Die Bruecke and Der Blaue Reiter.

What is Expressionism Art

Expressionism is art that is more associated with emotion or feeling that with literal interpretation of a subject. Expressionistic art uses vivid colors, distortion, two-dimensional subjects that lack perspective. It’s created to express the emotions of the artists as well as produce an emotional response of the viewer. 

Edvard Munch
An early expressionist painter most famous for his agonizing work “The Scream.”